Indonesian Education System

As often asked in this forum, on how to explain the Indonesian Education System, then hopefully this scanned document may help.

Please be noted that this is just a general explanation and serves only for reference.

You may need to adjust based on the implementation in your school/university or based on the changes in our education system (such as the national exam for high school students).

Sistem Pendidikan Indonesia (nasional)
Sistem Pendidikan Indonesia (nasional)

8 thoughts on “Indonesian Education System

  1. Dear All,

    I am applying SUFONAMA program and thanks for the overview of national grading system, but from whom exactly that I can get this official explanation?

    Thanks in advance,

    • Biasanya yang lebih ditekankan sih yang tentang penilaian universitas.
      Dapatnya ya dari universitas Anda, bila mereka mau membuatkan.
      Atau biasanya ada di buku kurikulum/transkrip.

  2. Halo,
    Apakah diploma supplement ini harus disertai dengan kop surat dari universitas atau boleh dibuat sendiri? Bagaimana bila Universitas tidak menyediakan? Thx.

    • biasanya ada brosur kan dari univ? atau mungkin buku kurikulum?
      itu bisa diterjemahkan..
      mengenai harus tersumpah/tidak, itu tergantung konsorsium.

  3. i want to apply for sufonama too..
    can u give me annisa’s mail via email.
    coz i want to share what we have to prepare for scholars there…
    thankyuu for your understanding…

    • Nadya, please confirm, you want to apply for “scholar”?
      While Annisa is applying for “student”?
      I suppose the application for scholar and student is different.

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